As founder of Young Pioneer Tours I get to see a lot of cool shit, mostly at my behest and November 2022 was to see me at Sofex, one of the biggest arms fairs in the world. So, what exactly is it like? And should you visit? Let us delve in…
What is SOFEX?
Officially the Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX) is a special operations and homeland security event, this biannual jamboree is like a big trade fair, but the product is every imaginable weapon, or logistical war device that you might imagine.
It was originally started in 1999 by the late King Hussein and held in Amman, but is now on the beach in the special economic zone of Aqaba.
To read about the Manhattan SEZ click here.
So in case you are not following it or either the super evil shop for the Military Industrial Complex, or the place where the good guys purchase freedom devices.
Where do I sit on this fence? I’ll ‘save judgment to the end.

What can you do at SOFEX?
For SOFEX 2022 for me at least it was about going around talking to people, getting brochures and learning about the weapons and logistics of war. And it truly was a learning experience Being English I am not so familiar with guns, but guns and other things there were galore.
To read about the best pub in Jordan click here.
I particular liked having the chance to try shoulder carry rocket launchers and indeed test them out, virtually though of course.
There were also air shows, choppers, tanks and more 4 star generals than you could shake a shitty stick at! Oh yes The Street Food Guy did some networking….
Firing Guns at SOFEX 2022
Being an arms show it was obviously sponsored by gun companies, such as Glock and local brand JAWS.
There was to be a gun “show”, so we rocked up to see what was going on. By show what they actually meant was some firing action. I was particularly adept at the pseudo M-14, but less at ease with the handgun as the photos and videos attest to.
Overall though a gun firing experience right up there with anything I have done in the US, or Ukraine.
Check out our video below
Is it ethical to visit SOFEX?
I am a guy that holidays in North Korea and Syria, so perhaps my view is skewed, but i certainly feel that it is for many reasons. And I add a say this as socialist (not of the woke variety) and someone very anti-war.
Visiting Sofex is an education and also a perfect example of the Woke paradox. This is in that the US left complain about war and various lives mattering, while also being very pro-Ukraine, seemingly unaware of the death and destruction these weapons cause.
Here you see the real world of war and the business of war very much in all its glory. Pacifist, or war monger, lefty, or righty, wokey, or norm – war is big business and as abhorrent as it is, it is obviously going nowhere soon.
Did it alter MY politics, no, it did not, but it did very much open my eyes and yes I will be going back in 2024!
I’be done some cool things in my life and this ranks right up there – next stop Bir Tawil, where I might end up wishing I had purchased some of that communications equipment….
To check out our business of war tour click here.