Usually when I travel through Kuala Lumpur I do immigration and head out for a smoke and a look at electronics. Today I did transit and the Travel Club Lounge – overall a pretty good decision…..

KLIA2 at 3 am
To say there is not much going on at 3 am in KLIA 2 would be an understatement, at least from a food point of view, although there are a plethora of take shops selling Malaysian souvenirs.
I asked at one shop where the lounges were only to be told they were closed. Thankfully further investigation got me to the Travel Club Lounge.
The Travel Club Lounge at KLIA2
At 3 am they are not offering any food, but there are numerous plugs, bed like chairs and soft-drinks.
To be honest at this juncture I was just happy they were open, as well as the fact that there was a smoking room at KLIA2. Airports need a smoking room if they want any respect from The Street Food Guy!
Oh and they have Wi-Fi, a stark contrast to the overall shit show that was Manila after I had departed from Selah Garden Hotel.

Eating and drinking at Travel Club Lounge
Food kicked off for breakfast officially at 4.30 am, but they actually had shit ready by 4.15. Perfect mix of local and western breakfast options, as well as soft-drinks galore.
Alas there is no alcohol, but to be fair they are Muslim and to be even fairer I really did not need to drink. Malaysia you understand is multicultural.

Overall Travel Club Lounge Ranking
A good solid 7.5 out of 10, with points being lost for no alcohol and no super spark, such as the free massages in Bangkok, or the whole glitz and glamour of the Middle-East.
Overall though a great lounge, with the whole experience making me much likely to transit KLIA2, rather than say Bangkok (which is exactly what I did).