For those worried about what to eat in PNG there is some good news, steak in Papua New Guinea is not just readily available, but also pretty cheap, at least compared to other expenses.
And although steak is not really a staple of Papua New Guinea cuisine, it is largely part of the newer Australian influenced “western” side to PNG cuisine.
Steak in Papua New Guinea
What makes PMG steak so great, at least from a bargain pint of view is that it is largely Australian beef, something that usually demands a premium in other countries. Here though proximity and trade relations mean it is very affordable.

Depending on where you are in Papua New Guinea steak costs range from $8-20. It is also one of the few western dishes that is pretty much always available to in restaurants.
And this is the case not just in PNG proper, but also in Bougainville.
You can read about Bougainville cuisine here.
How to avoid a mis-steak in Papua New Guinea
OK, not my original gag, but that of Justin Martel of Pioneer Media. Basically in PNG they really do not get it when it comes to how cook a steak, with me having this same conversation more than once;
“How do you want your steak cooked”
“Very rare”
“Well done”
“No, no, no the opposite”
“No, no, can I talk to the chef”?
Mostly this has been OK, save for when I was in Arawa and I ordered a rare steak with no salad and chips and got a well done steak with no chips and salad.
There truly is nothing worse than a well done steak, or maybe there is if you add mushroom sauce. This should also be noted – it comes with mushroom sauce by default, so of this is an issue you should mention it.
The best and worst steaks in Papua New Guinea?
Sadly the worst steaks that I had were in Bougainville where it came well done both times. Up scale restaurants though get it with places like the Highlander and Bird of Paradise not being “mis-steaks”.
Technically at least this is also the badger if you are going for Keto in PNG, itself a very tricky task.
If you want to get your beef on with me in PNG then check out this page.