Where is the best on the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc? Well it is Blue Monkey located in the capital of Duong Dong. How do I know this? Well because firstly I went there and secondly they proudly state they are “the best bar in Phu Quoc”.
For the uninitiated Phu Quoc is the largest Vietnamese island, but is located off of the coast of Cambodia meaning it is super easy to get to from Kampot, which can beg gotten to by train from Phnom Penh.
What the Duong Dong?

I will later retail readers with a guide to Pho Quoc, but in the meantime we can look at the capital city of this island. So, when I first arrived in Phu Quoc there were no taxis and the hotel I went to was rather dead and in the middle of nowhere. At this point I was worried that this island had nothing going for it.
Thankfully I was wrong and ofter explosion Phu Quoc prison I found myself doing nightlife in Duong Dong. This consisted of bars of every persuasion, massage joints, seafood restaurants and an alarmingly busy supermarket. I visited and to an extent still cannot work it out, with my only hunch being that there is no 7-Eleven on the island.
And this is how I discovered Blue Monkey.
The what and where of Blue Monkey

OK, so I have mentioned this before, such as when talking about the Kampot Beer Festival, but why the hell do bars love adding monkey to their name?
As always I digress…..
Blue Monkey Address;
142 Đường Trần Hưng Đạo,
Khu Phố 7,
Phú Quốc,
Kiên Giang,
Basically also bang in the middle of town and opposite a very busy supermarket!
The Blue Monkey Phu Quoc vibe?
Overall very chilled and very very eclectic. There are Vietnamese here, westerns and Russians, who despite what you might have been led to believe are still traveling to friendly countries.
And not only that but the bar boasts not only being the best in Phu Quoc, but also of being the first one on the island to have live music. I usually hate eve music, unless it is sang by me, but at Blue Monkey they rocked out.

On the night I was there they had a legit reggae guy who was clearly struggling with the crowd. He amusingly shouted “anyone been to Jamaica” Only I replied at all with a resounding “yes”, to which he replied “have any of the rest of you heard of Jamaica”. Truly epic pants, with hinge actually managing to get a few cats up on stage.
Drinks wise I went with the local lager, as well as what was claimed to be home made coconut vodka and tropical vodka. I feel that these were quite literally just mixed vodka, but I went with it under the suggestion of the Russian guy next to me and they were excellent, unsparingly.
I mean you might question a Russians politics, but you would never ignore their knowledge of vodka. And the best bar in Phu Quoc? It was at least the best one that I went to.