Can you do keto in Guangdong in 2024?

Guangdong Cuisine

Can you do keto in Guangdong, specifically Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Zhuhai in 2024? The good news is that you can and with relative ease, although you may get bored with it after a while.

For the uninformed keto which creates ketosis is a diet whereby you eschew all carbohydrates as well as sugar and go all caveman. This means no bread, sodas, or the like and only eating meat, fish, cheese and butter. To some this diet is heaven.

You can read about keto in Vietnam here.

Guangdong breakfast and keto

A guangdong breakfast and indeed most Chinese breakfasts are not only not all that good in general, but are not so keto friendly. The most famous breakfast dish both here and in Hong Kong is of course din sum.

When it comes to keto in Guangdong dim sum is akin to the devil. The only palatable option here is boiled eggs, cured eggs, or picked eggs. Some places also do Chinese variants of scrambled eggs. This is comparable to egg proma.

Street Food Guangdong and keto

We have previously written about street food in Guomao, as well as street food near Guangzhou airport (link) both of which would have supported a keto diet.

This is because the highlights of both of these places is the street BBQ scene. Thus includes huge amounts of meat on a stick, as well as a huge array of seafood. How this is cooked is down to you, with you able to add a whole heap of spices to keep it palatable.

The same can also be said about the restaurants of Guangdong, with meat and fish dishes being plentiful. Sadly you will have to avoid the main staples of rice, as well as great fried noodles.

Drinks for keto in Guangdong

Drinks while doing jet in Guangdong are a little bit harder, with water being the only true safe bet. Soda wise nothing is even diet while local drinks like soya milk are filled to the rafters with sugar.

This does though leave sugarless tea, which thankfully is served at most envy restaurant.

Booze wise you will have to make do without he awful water like Chinese beer, with the safest option being putrid Bai Jiu, or ion you are really lucky soju.

Overall though keto in Guangdong is pretty damned doableā€¦.