The Best of Shaanxi Cuisine 2024

Shaanxi Cuisine

Shaanxi cuisine, or Qin cuisine is the food and drink that is eaten in the Chinese province of Shaanxi, not to be confused with Shanxi, which is actually next door…

What the Shaanxi

When it comes to China Shaanxi, which means West of the Shan Mountain is the 16th most populous province (37 million) and the 15th biggest economy.

It is also considered the cultural capital of the country with the former capitals of Changan, and Fenghao, as well as the famous Terracotta Warriors.

It is also home to the politically important Yan’an and of course Xi’an, whose street food we have previously reviewed.

Shaanxi Cuisine

Shaanxi Cuisine is renowned through China that you can get it almost every city and even North Korea – well Dandong at least.

It is renowned primarily for its noodles, although there are a number of other favorites everyone in China knows. It is said that Shaanxi cuisine is famed for it simplicity in ingredients, use of noodles as well as lamb and mutton, but also its often times highly complex flavors.

Bordering a massive 8 provinces there are many influences on Chines cuisine. Principally these come from the salty Shanxi dishes, but also the spice of Sichuan and Chongqing, as well as the BBQ elements of Inner-Mongolia.

The culinary capital is of course Xi’an, but places such as Ankang, Bao Ji and Shanbei in the north and Hanzhong in the south all playing a part.

Top 7 Must Try Dishes of Shaanxi Cuisine

Having already written the must try dishes of Xi’an we will try to give some extra dishes from outside the big city, but of course at least a few will be repeated.

In the interests of fairness I have only included things that I have actually tried. Therefore this should be a list that does get expanded.

Bian Bian Noodles

Another dish we have written about. This dish is equally about how it is written and the long thick delicious noodles that make it.

The Chinese Hamburger

Yes another one that we have covered, and one that is not much like hamburger. Key to this is the ease and the taste which make it probably one of the most famous parts of Shaanxi Cuisine.

Sheep foot

The most famous street food of Yan’an and other parts of northern Shaanxi. Served as a street food snack it is far better than it sounds! The meat quite literally melts off, with the zingy flavor unbeatable.

hú là tāng

Spicy soup, or hot and spicy soup is claimed by both Shaanxi and neighboring Henan province. Famous throughout China now and honestly not all that spicy.

Yan Rou Pao Mo

A Muslim street this is lamb in a soup from where you add slightly hard bread that then melts in there to give more consistency to the soup itself. A must try Shaanxi dish.

hú là tāng/Cold noodles

Sometimes called Shaanxi style cold noodles in actuality this is a Shaanxi and a Xi’an favorite. This is cold wheat noodles with a light vinegar and chili that is spicy, but not too bad. Best eaten away from tourist areas. Vague similarities to Pyongyang Cold Noodles.

fěn tāng yáng xué

Vermicelli style noodles mixed with lamb/mutton blood this might not be everyone favorite when it comes to Shaanxi cuisine, but if you are hard of stomach then to me this is the bomb.

The Drinks of Shaanxi cuisine

And where there is food of course there must be drink! In the set drink lane we have suan mei tang a sour plum drink that does back eons, as well as Bing Fun the local #FantaQuest entry.

Beer wise they have 9 Degrees, the better of there two main beers, and Hans Dry Beer a horrendous thing that we all drank in the early days of Xi’an! And of course they make Bai Jiu, I mean everyone does. I am though far too sensible to drink this.

And that is the overall skinny when it comes to Shaanxi Cusine!